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perfect mixing中文是什么意思

用"perfect mixing"造句"perfect mixing"怎么读"perfect mixing" in a sentence


  • 充分混合
  • 完全混合


  • Perfect mix of accessories which combines a main bag with trolley , briefcase , backpack , storage bag , pencil case and a5 folder
  • The chicken meat must be tender , smooth and fresh , and garnished with the perfect mix of condiments and sauces to enhance its unique " character "
  • Weiyuan lake : perfect mix of form and function the automatic watergate in weiyuan lake the chinese university has the largest campus in hong kong at 134 hectares
  • The research results show that when the fly ash content is under 30 % , the strength of rcc can be increased but the effect is a little ; and with the fly ash content increased the dry shrinkage of the rcc reduced straightly , and the abrasion resistance and freeze resistance increased obviously . ( 3 ) fly ash can increase durability of the rcc and under the experiment condition , the perfect mixing content is 30 %
    试验结果表明: ( 1 )粉煤灰掺量小于30 %时能提高碾压混凝土强度但影响度不大; ( 2 )随着粉煤灰掺量的增加,碾压混凝土的干缩呈直线降低,且抗磨性和抗冻融能力明显提高; ( 3 )粉煤灰能有效提高碾压混凝土的耐久性,且在试验条件下的最佳掺量为30 % 。
用"perfect mixing"造句  


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